PinnedPublished inNew Writers WelcomeThis Forgotten Website Provides You With 78 Million Free ImagesA website that you already know but you never thought about using for this purpose.Nov 24, 2021268Nov 24, 2021268
PinnedPublished inThe ShortformYou Should Write For This PublicationEspecially if you are a newbieNov 17, 2021141Nov 17, 2021141
PinnedPublished inWriters’ Blokke1000 Reads On Medium Vs 2 Reads On VocalThis is why you should start writing on VocalNov 15, 202127Nov 15, 202127
PinnedPublished inNew Writers WelcomeI Will Help You To Get 100 Followers In 24 HoursIf I did it, you can do it.Nov 4, 20211003Nov 4, 20211003
Pinned100 Followers In 24 Hours? Challenge AcceptedThis is how I plan to get 100 followers in less than 24 hours.Nov 2, 2021636Nov 2, 2021636
Published inNew Writers WelcomeSuccess Tip: Write Today and Publish TomorrowHow to trick your mind to extract fair feedbackDec 28, 202128Dec 28, 202128
Published inNew Writers WelcomeHow to Find The Perfect Thumbnail (Complete Guide)You are doing it the wrong way.Dec 23, 20212Dec 23, 20212
Published inNew Writers WelcomeWhy Give 1 Clap When You Can Bestow 50?The next time you clap, think about it that way.Dec 18, 202139Dec 18, 202139
Published inNew Writers WelcomeSuccess Tip: Don’t Write for Big PublicationsDon’t fall into this trap!Dec 13, 202153Dec 13, 202153
Published inNew Writers WelcomeBest Facebook Groups for Medium WritersYou should join these groups now!Dec 12, 202113Dec 12, 202113